Swimming Facility Update

12 Jun 2020 by Angela O'Connor

Swimming Facility Update

On June 15th Swim England will publish their national guidance document for operating safely in swimming pools.

The government have indicated that July 4th could be the earliest date for leisure centres and pools to possibly reopen.

Members of SCL are working hard with colleagues from the city council to put safe plans in place for reopening leisure centres – should they be allowed to do so.

In order to assist planning and as a tentative enquiry of potential numbers of swimmers returning to synchro (should pools open):

Please TEXT your -
Swimmers name to Team Manager Janet Fletcher on ‭07817 902220‬ if they will be returning to synchro training when we are allowed to reopen

Swimmers in Mermaids and Swim stars groups – please also text Janet if you will be returning to training when the pool is reopened

Your patience and support is much appreciated during this time.

Thanks everyone and we’ll keep hoping for positive news!

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